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5 Bench Press Mistakes | Learn Bench Press Workout

Last updated at 19-11-2021

Bench Press is one of the most famous chest exercises yet often performed the wrong way. And what’s surprising is that not only the beginners but many regular gym goers do it wrong in some way or the other. If you are doing an exercise in a wrong way, you are not only wasting your time but also putting your own body at a risk. Here are the 5 most common mistakes people make while doing bench press;

Butt off the bench - Stop Doing it!!!

Now, this may sound weird but a lot of people only to be able to lift higher weights do not give attention to their body posture and lift their butt off the bench. Doing this puts a lot of strain over your lower and middle back as well as shoulders, putting them to a risk of getting injured. When your butt is firmly planted on the bench, the weight is evenly distributed. Thus, exercising is effective and there is no harm to the body.

Bench Pressing Heavy Weights without a Spotter

“You should have a spotter while bench pressing heavy weights.” This is not a suggestion; this is a basic rule of bench pressing. If you are not having a spotter around or doing it in a power rack, you are literally putting your life in danger.

Partial Reps

A common phrase that goes around in all the guys is “How much do you Bench Press, Bro?” Well! It may sound cool to brag about how much weight you lift and how many reps and sets you do, but it is equally unfair to your own body to be doing it the wrong way only to lift more and do more. You got to touch the your chest with the bar and go up until your arms lockout to complete a rep. Stopping it 5 inches above your chest, and finish it with bent elbows won’t count as a complete rep. Also, it will not give you the results you want.

Bench Press with Bent Wrists –

If you keep your wrists bent, the barbell will tend to fall more towards your shoulders due to gravity, pushing your arms backwards. This may hurt your wrists. Also the force you use with bent wrist doesn’t get fully utilized in pushing the bar. Hence, leading to an inefficient workout. The right way is to keep the wrists upright and the weight resting on the forearm bones.

Using Thumbless Grip –

Using thumbless grip and bench pressing without a spotter or power rack is the worst risk you can pose yourself to. The chances of a fail while using thumbless grip are relatively more as the thumb isn’t locking the bar. There is not even a chance to even escape safely once it starts slipping off of your hands. The right grip is to place the bar on the base of your palm and wrapping the thumb around for a lock. If you still want to go for a thumbless grip, you should probably do it in a power rack.

Learn How to do Bench Press Exercise - Step by Step Tutorial

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