JavaScript Tutorial

Creating Your First HTML Page

The basic construction of any web page includes the following tags:-

  1. <!DOCTYPE html> tag tells the browser which version of HTML we are using in our code. 
  2. <html> tag indicates that we are starting our HTML code. 
  3. <head> tag wraps up things like the title, and metadata for the page
  4. <body> is where the content of the page goes.

Further basic tags

1. Heading Tags

The heading is the most common tag in HTML which helps in providing headings of different sizes to any webpage.

There are six levels of heading: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>

<h1> is the largest of all the headings and <h6> is the smallest of all headings.

2. Paragraph Tags

This paragraph tag offers a way to structure your content into different paragraphs. Content is written in between of opening <p> and closing </p> paragraph tags.

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