JavaScript Tutorial

DOM Animations

DOM animations using JavaScript allow you to create dynamic and interactive animations directly manipulating the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) elements. You can use JavaScript to change the style properties of elements, such as position, size, opacity, and more, over a period of time or in response to user interactions.

It's worth noting that while JavaScript-based animations provide flexibility and control, they can also be more complex to implement compared to CSS animations. Depending on the complexity and performance requirements of your animations, you may also consider using animation libraries or frameworks like GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) or Anime.js, which provide additional features and simplifications for DOM animations.

By leveraging JavaScript's power, you can create engaging and interactive animations that enhance the user experience on your web page. Just remember to optimize your animations for performance and test them across different browsers to ensure compatibility.

To understand how to create HTML animations by using JavaScript, we will create a simple web page:

Create an Animation Container

We will provide all animations to a container element.

Style the Elements

The container element will have style = "position: relative".

The animation element will have style = "position: absolute".


Output :-

Animation Code

HTML animations by JavaScript are done by programming gradual changes in an element's style.

The changes are called by a timer. When the timer interval is small, the animation looks continuous.

Below is example to understand this:

Create the Full Animation Using JavaScript

Output (Before Click):-

Output (Before Click):-

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