JavaScript Tutorial

Javascript Array Sort

Array sorting allows us to sort elements of an array in place. Besides returning the sorted array, the sort() method changes the positions of the elements in the original array.

Sorting an array

This method sorts an array alphabetically.



Reversing an array

This reverse() method reverses the elements in an array. We can use it to sort an array in descending order.



Sorting an array of objects by a numeric property

To sort an array of objects by a numeric property, you can use the sort() method in JavaScript along with a comparison function. Here's an example using an array called employees with objects containing properties like name, age, and designation:



In this example, the sort() method is called on the employees array, and a comparison function is provided as an argument. The comparison function takes two objects from the array (a and b) and compares their age properties.

Inside the comparison function, the difference between a.age and b.age is returned. This subtraction will result in a negative value if a.age is less than b.age, a positive value if a.age is greater than b.age, and 0 if they are equal.

After sorting, the employees array will be sorted in ascending order based on the age property.

You can modify the comparison function to compare and sort by other numeric properties like designation or any other numeric property in a similar manner.

Sorting an array of objects by a string property

To sort an array of objects by a string property, you can use the sort() method in JavaScript along with a comparison function. Here's an example using an array called employees with objects containing properties like name, age, and designation:



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