CSS Cheatsheet Introduction

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. CSS converts boring HTML page into beautiful/aesthetic website. This basically describes the presentation of a web-page which includes color, fonts and alignment of text. It can help us adapt presentation to different types of devices, which we can “responsiveness of a websites”.

There are three ways to add CSS to HTML.

  1. 1- <style> tag  ---- Adding <style> … </style> to HTML.
  2. 2- Inline CSS ---- Adding CSS using style attribute.
  3. 3- External CSS ---- Adding a stylesheet (.css) to html using <link> tag.

CSS Selectors

A CSS  selector is used to select an HTML elements for styling.


color: red;            This is declaration – (property:value)

background: pink;


Note: ‘body’ is a selector.

Element Selectors

It is used to select an element based upon the tag name.


color: blue;


Id Selectors

It is used to select an element with the Id.


color: white;

background: black; 


Note: # is used to target by Id.

Class Selectors

It is used to select an element with a given class for example:


Background: red;


We can group selectors like this:

h1, h2, h3, h4 div{

color: blue;   h1, h2, h3, h4 and div will be blue.


*  is the universal selector. Which means this will select all the elements.

Colors & Backgrounds

The Color Property

The color property can be used to set the text color inside an element.

RGB – Specifies color using Red, Green, Blue values rgb(200, 98, 70)

HEX – Specifies the color using hex code (#123333)

HSL – Specifies the color using HSL (hue, saturation and lightning) (22, 90%, 22%)

The background-size properties

Cover – Firs and no empty space is left.

Auto – Display in original size.

Contain – Fits & image is fully visible.

Width – You can also specify the width manually. 

Background image

Used to set an image as the background.


background-image: url(“lecturely.png)


This will set background image.

Background size

It can be auto, cover or you can manually give the size in px.

Note: Cover means image will cover the entire div.

Background repeat

This CSS property will repeat the image in image depending on the property value.


Border width

This will describe border’s width.


This will style the border i.e. dotted, solid or none.


This will change the border color.

Box Model


This will set the height.


This will set the maximum height.


This will set the maximum width.


This will set the minimum height.


This will set the minimum width.



Sets the bottom padding.


Sets the top padding.


Sets the bottom padding.


Sets the left padding.


This will make this overflow based on its values. 


This will deal with the visibility of the text.

List & Markers


This will style your list, can be none or asterisk based on its value.


Instead of asterisk, you can also set an image using this CSS property.



This will set the animation name.


used to set animation time.


This will set the animation, like transition and effect of animation. Either can be ease, or ease-in based on its value.


This will set the amount of time to wait before applying the animation.


This will either be paused or running the animation.



It is the active element. 


It is the element in focus.


It is the unvisited link.


It is an element which is enabled.


It is an element which is disabled.



It is an element when you hover your mouse over it.


When the element is checked.


The element which is nth sibling.


It is the element which is the nth sibling counting from the last sibling.


first sibling.


Last sibling.


First sibling of its type.


This is the last sibling of its type.


Element with no children.


This is the root element of the document.


This adds special style to the first letter of an text.


This adds special style to the first line of any text.


This inserts some content before an element.


This inserts some content after an element.

Relative Measurements OR CSS Units


(pixels) This is the pixel of the device.


It is grid defined by layout-grid


This is the font-size of current element.


font size of root element.


This is the viewport height.


This is the viewport width.

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