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What is Power Yoga | Know Benefits of Power Yoga in Weight Loss

Last updated at 19-11-2021

What is Power Yoga?

Power Yoga is to Yoga what CrossFit is to Gym. It is a derivative of Yoga in which the yoga exercises are performed at a faster pace and in continuation. It is often compared to strength training and improves balance and flexibility. Modeled on the Ashtanga method of Yoga, this is a more vigorous form that helps improves muscle tone.

How effective is Power Yoga for weight loss?

Power Yoga can burn up to 200 calories in an hour which is less than activities like swimming or aerobics both of which can burn around 350-400 calories an hour. However, it is effective for weight loss based on the discipline and regularity with which you practice.


Check these Power yoga poses for weight loss


Power Yoga or Just Yoga?

This question often daunts people about whether they should choose Power Yoga or simply opt for normal Yoga. Your choice largely depends on the goal. If you are looking for simple relaxation and meditation, you can opt for simpler versions of Yoga like Iyengar or Hatha that involve performing only the basic exercises but if you are looking for something more, try Power Yoga!

The bottom line is that whether you choose to go to a Gym or opt for Yoga, the outcome depends on your body’s breathing for burning of calories. You will find people supporting Power Yoga and some favoring Gym workouts. What suits you will depend on a number of factors and it is on you to find what works best for you. If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle change, pick your Yoga mats and sign up for a Power Yoga class. We guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.


What are the benefits of Power Yoga?

  • It improves your balance and flexibility and is good for cardiovascular health.
  • Power Yoga works your body without stressing your joints, a great news for old people who find other exercise techniques a bit more abusive for their body.
  • Yoga is a practice open for people of all ages unlike other sports that focus on a few clients belonging to that niche. You feel accepted whether you are a teenager or in your late 80s. Age is not a bar.
  •   It focuses on the core of the body, the spine, which means that it can help alleviate your back, neck and shoulder pain.
  • Your metabolism improves if you practice this modernized form of Yoga while also keeping a healthy diet.
  • Builds both Mental endurance and physical stamina.
  • Helps improve concentration.

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