ReactJS project based training with Road Trip Planner App

Closing Notes

So this is it!

This is the first complete ReactJS tutorial for beginners by Lecturely. We’ll take the same project to the next level in the advanced version of this crash course. it might a few more iterations even with this beginner's course to grasp everything, and that is completely normal. You do not have to remember everything that we went through in this article, but you do need to know everything we did and the procedure followed, because we learn to build things by visualizing the procedure. So that once you get used to the procedure, and get familiar with patterns to build things, when it comes to building on your own, you will just have to gather the tools from the internet.

I hope I did a fair job explaining React to you, and if still you think there’s a lot you don’t completely understand, show some curiosity and explore!

Happy Learning from Lecturely 😊