JavaScript Tutorial

Javascript Switch

In JavaScript, the switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions. It provides a way to select one of many code blocks to be executed.


Let’s see the simple example of switch statement in javascript.



Right now it is not checking the condition mentioned in the switch statement, it is only executing the last statement. To overcome this situation, we have a break keyword.

Break keyword

The break keyword is used to exit the execution inside a switch block. It allows you to stop the execution of code within a specific case and prevents fall-through to the next case.

It's important to note that the break statement is not required for the last case in a switch block. The block naturally ends there, so the break statement is not necessary.



Default keyword

If no case is matched from the given switch conditions, the control falls to a default statement to be executed.



Grouping of cases

Multiple cases that have the same code can be grouped together in JavaScript. This allows you to specify a single block of code to be executed for multiple case values. By omitting the break statement after each case, the execution will flow through to the next case.



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