JavaScript Tutorial

CSS Text Effect

Text effects in CSS can enhance the visual appearance of text elements on a webpage. CSS provides various properties and techniques to apply text effects. By combining CSS properties, selectors, and pseudo-elements, you can create unique and visually appealing text effects to enhance the design of your web pages.

Here are some commonly used text effects in CSS:

  1. Text Shadow: The text-shadow property adds a shadow effect behind the text, allowing you to specify the color, blur radius, and position of the shadow.

  2. Text Outline: The text-outline property sets an outline around the text, creating a border-like effect. It can be customized with properties such as color, width, and style.

  3. Text Gradient: CSS gradients can be applied to text using the background-clip property with a value of text and a gradient applied to the background. This creates a gradient effect within the text.

  4. Text Fill and Stroke: The fill and stroke properties, commonly used in SVG, can be applied to text in CSS. The fill property sets the color of the text, while the stroke property creates an outline around the text.

  5. Text Animation: CSS animations can be applied to text to create dynamic and eye-catching effects. This can include animations for fading, sliding, rotating, or any other transformation applied to the text.

  6. Text Gradients: Using the background-clip property with a value of text and applying a gradient to the background, you can achieve a gradient effect within the text.

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